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A Quick Summary

Zedi was one of the most successful clans in Jedi Knight Jedi Academy history. It was active in its original state from 2004-2006. It was resurrected on occasions by various team members in later years, but these brief spells of activity never lived up to the accomplishments and dominance of it's first few years of competition.

The Formation (2004)

'Maze', 'Tox' and 'Cookie' from the well known JK2 team [SASH], formed Zedi early in 2004 after [SASH] disbanded. 'Virus' and 'Gizmo' (aka Dimension and Sleepy) were recruited from a small clan after an impressive match against [SASH] and helped complete the original line up.

Zedi was extremely new at this stage and inexperienced. Maze and Tox trained Dimension and Gizmo up to their level and were looking out for new talent. Two more important members were soon recruited by Sleepy, these were 'Dark' and 'Twilight'.

With Cookie and Tox falling inactive, the new line up was Maze, Dark, Dimension, Twlilight and Sleepy

The Rise (2004-2005)

This team trained heavily together for months. Many practice matches (PCWs) were played against other skilled clans and the team rigorously focused on TFFA skills. Very few official matches were entered and his was no accident. Zedi was formed with the sole intention of becoming the best, most revered clan in JKA. In this early fragile state, Zedi chose to practise rather than compete to avoid early losses and help create it's infamous record. Despite this, zedi sustained early losses to Team BBQ and RNX (the two greatest teams at this time).

Zedi was soon forced to face official clan matches when the second Wireplay 4on4 TFFA tournament was drawn up. Maze and Tox had been successful in the previous tournament (which sadly stopped - along with the exit of in infamous BBQ clan) and this success lead Zedi to be placed in the first division, to face [RNX], [eF] and [DFt]. Two other divisions played in the match, making the league total 12 clans.

Zedi beat RNX and DFT twice and drew against the mighty eF (zedi's greatest threat once BBQ had left JKA). This put Zedi first in the Wireplay League and Zedi were crowned the champions on 4on4 TFFA tha year. (It is worth noting that mid-tournament Twilight left Zedi to join RNX - This posed a considerable threat to zedi as Twilight was a highly skilled player - However 1 zedi in an RNX team was no match for 4 zedi, RNX suffered a huge loss).

The next aim was to come first in the ClanBase 2on2 TFFA league (the largest tournament at the time). This was soon fought and won and Zedi added another impressive trophy to their cabinet.

Zedi had officially become the greatest 2on2 and 4on4 team in JKA.

The Fall (2006)

In between these large tournaments and after the accession to top place in Clanbase, Zedi managed to win hundreds of matches without loss. The clan by early 2006 were understandably bored. Most teams refused to play them (certainly officially) as this would undoubtedly lead to a loss on their score card. With little competition left, some of zedi's members became inactive. 'Maze' was the first to go and Zedi was now run by 'Dimension'. Zedi ran for approximately another 6-12 months before it was closed down.

The Ressurection (2007+)

At a later statge Dark and Dimenesion reopened zedi to reconquer the jka community. They asked [<<] (AnGeL, Feader, Dizzle) to merge into zedi and form the zedi JKA Section. A few old members such as Maze and Cookie occasionally returned, but never to play actively.

Once more zedi beat all it's competition and once more it's player's were bored and unchallenged. Various rifts occurred during this time, resulting in zedi spliiting into different teams and falling in and out of activity. Boredem is the most likely cause of these divisions as the members were still close. Dark, Feader, AngeL, and later Dizzle joined the oZone (O3) clan. Dime joined Presidents.

The Legend

The success of Zedi is still argued over by players in today's JKA. Some may argue there have been better teams since, some may argue that the standard between 2004-2006 was lower, but the fact Zedi still remains revered, infamous and fresh in everyone's minds is proof to many of their huge success.

The Future

In the unlikely event of a new Jedi Knight game, it is possible that we would see the return on Zedi in some form or other. Let's hope one day a new game comes.