Blue stance

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A Jedi holding a Single Saber in Blue Stance position

Blue is sometimes referred to as the “weakest stance” although this is generally regarding its swing strength not the over all ability or potential of this stance. As far as stances go Blue stance is perhaps one of the hardest to master effectively utilizing swift and accurate movement to undertake fast attacks.

From its ready position it is easy to see Blue stance swings are much lower than all other stances generally hitting the lower areas of the body. Swings are much faster and have a much shorter range compared to other stances, and the arc of the swing is much shorter covering only the front of the body and 45 degrees left or right. Blue stance is often said to be “infinitely chainable”. What does this mean?

Chaining a series of swings together in quick succession is generally called a combo. Each stance has the ability to “Chain” a certain number of moves together. Blue stance can chain large amounts of swings but you will never be able to “infinitely chain” a combination of swings in blue stance.

Blue stance is also the most capable stance at deflecting bolt or projectile weapons especially crouched whilst using the force ability “seeing”.

Blue has two “Special” moves. These are the Lunge and Kata.

Special Moves


A Jedi performing a kata in blue stance.

A Kata is performed by pressing primary fire and secondary fire simultaneously. The Blue Stance Kata involves the jedi swinging his lightsaber around his body in an arc. The movements are quick, and inflict little damage with each swing. The jedi does not move during the kata, leaving him very vulnerable to counter-attacks, especially because of blue stance's poor range. The kata also does not cover the jedi's back, leaving him open to attack.


A Jedi performing a lunge.

The most dangerous move in blue stance, the lunge is a quick, powerful uppercut that hits directly in front of the jedi. It is achieved by pressing forward, crouch, and primary fire simultaneously, or by holding forward and crouch and then pressing primary fire. The lunge can be devastating if timed perfectly, possibly inflicting 100hp. The lunge's effectiveness depends primarily on the element of surprise. Most of the time, if the opponent sees blue stance, he/she expects the lunge.