
From The Jedi Academy Archives
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Saber Single and Dual
Style Form V, Form X, Hybrid
Affiliation(s) The Jedi Academy, The Jedi Academy Aurochs
Gender Male
Location Indiana, USA
Padawans {{{padawans}}}
— Refl3x

Refl3x is currently a Jedi Academy Student at the Jedi Academy, a member of the Aurochs, and a member of the JK3 clan Legacy. He is a hybrid-style single and dual saberist known for his unpredictable and calm style which placed emphasis on timing and prediction.


A Jedi Academy Student

In July of 2004, Refl3x received a copy of JK3 and had begun playing. Shortly after his importation into the game, Refl3x discovered the Jedi Academy and enrolled as a student in its halls. Within a short amount of time, he was taken up by the then Jedi Academy Trainer Leif and began to study under him.

A Jedi Academy Auroch

During the Summer of 2005, with a little over one year of experience under his belt, Refl3x was trialed for a position on the Jedi Academy Aurochs Green Team. Passing the trial, he became a Jedi Academy Auroch and was appointed to the position of North American Competition Lead. He retired by the end of the next year.

In the BWN Community

A short while after he began playing JK3, Refl3x discovered BWN. The first clan that he joined was the JK3 dueling clan known as Shaolin. Eventually, the clan fell apart and Refl3x co-created a new clan in its place called Luong with a friend known as Axel or SanFeng and another duelist named Destinova. In Luong, Refl3x helped pave way for a successful clan that in turn paved the way of the many novices in BWN or JK3 at the time into formidable fighters. Luong continued its existance as a clan until it merged with Legacy where Refl3x became one of its new leaders.